Regional Folklore and Mythology
- African, excluding Egypt
- Altaic
- Anatolian
- Andorran
- Arabic
- Australian
- Basque
- Belgian
- Brazilian
- British, Welsh, Cornish, Arthurian
- Buryat
- Canadian
- Caribbean
- Chicano/Latino
- Chilean
- Chinese
- Egyptian
- English, Anglo-Saxon
- Finnish
- Frankish, French, Breton
- Germanic
- Greek
- Guam
- Hungarian
- Incan/Andean
- Indian
- Indonesian
- Irish and general Celtic
- Italian (post-Classical)
- Japanese
- Jewish
- Korean
- Latvian
- Lithuanian
- Manx
- Mongolian
- Native American
- Near Eastern (Assyrian, Babylonian, Canaanite, Hebrew, and Sumerian)
- Nordic
- Persian
- Polynesian/Pacific
- Roman (Classical)
- Russian
- Scottish
- Spanish
- Turkish
- United States
- Vietnamese
Here you will find links to information about folklore and
mythology topics broken down by cultural and geographical
region. The regions appear in alphabetical order.
African, excluding Egypt
- Poems from the Turkish Epic
are adapted by Gene Doty from Gulten Yenner's prose
translation. Includes the Altaic creation myth, how God
Kara-han gets splashed, and the mythical origin of the Altaic
- The Hittite/Hurrian Mythology Reference
by Christopher B. Siren presents the history of the Hittites,
their deities and their cosmology, along with references to
source material on the Hittites.
- Here are few snippets of Andorran Folklore
from the Principality of Andorra, a little country which lies
in the Pyrenees between France and Spain.
- Australian Folklore
is a yearly journal of folklore studies, edited and published
at the University of New England, New South Wales,
- Didjeridu Myths and Legends
offers tales about the Didjeridu (a musical instrument) among
the Aborigines of northern Australia.
- Legends of the Gagudju
by Helen Lam offers stories of the Fertility Mother,
Namarrkun the lightning man, Ngalyod, the Rainbow Serpent,
Djuwe, the great bowerbird, and many more.
- Perceptions of the Southland
investigates myths and perceptions Australia. Features maps,
creatures, epic tales, from hermaphrodites to sun
- Amazonian Mists
by Rosa S. Clement offers poems and legends from
- Pink Dolphin
by Matt Ignoffo offers a folktale about Bufeo Colorado, who
takes the form of a man at night (with a blowhole on his head)
and returns to dolphin form with the coming of day.
British, Welsh, Cornish, Arthurian
- Arthur: the Matter of Britain
by Will Linden offers links to Arthurian resources on the
net, including papers, organizations, films, games,
newsgroups, and mailing lists.
- Arthur of Britain
offers information on Arthurian literature, legends, medieval
literature, and links to Arthurian and medieval
- Arthurian Information
by Jenny Sposito offers a list of links to Arthurian
- Arthurian Home Page
by Douglas Johnston offers links to Arthurian manuscripts,
Arthurian fiction, essays, critical reviews, illustrations and
graphics, music and song, resources and lists, and more.
- Arthurian Legend Page
by Terra Collver presents her thesis on the changing role of
women in the Arthurian legend, a chronology of Arhturian
literature, and an Arthurian bibliography. Also offers links
to Arthurian sites on the Web.
- Arthurian origins
by the University of Idaho Arthurian Legend Club offers
information about knights, ladies, Arthur, Merlin, the hunt,
and Arthurian England.
- Arthuriana
is the quarterly scholarly journal of the International
Arthurian Society, North American Branch. It is "dedicated to
all aspects of the Arthurian story from its inception in the
Middle Ages to all its enactments in the present moment."
- Beginning
by D. Hayward provides excerpts from three of Tennyson's
'Idylls of the King' poems as well as links to other sites
about King Arthur.
- BOOKLOOK's The Many Realms of King Arthur
by the Boulder Public Library traces the development of
Arthurian legends from their origins in the Middle Ages to
their latest adaptations in the 20th century.
- British Mythology
discusses the Mabinogion.
- Changeling Legends from the British Isles
by D. L. Ashliman offers extracts from folklore works about
fairy changlings in the British Isles.
- Cornish Folk Tales
by Bill Rowe offers an introduction to Cornish folk tales.
Includes Jack the Giant Killer and other Giant stories,
fairies, ghosts, witches, conjurers, exorcists, superstitions,
wreckers, smugglers, and shipwrecks.
- Feysidhe
by Laura Kramarsky is dedicated to the legend of King Arthur
and has links to Medieval as well as Arthurian resources.
- King Arthur's Death in Legend, History and Literature
is the text of a B.A. thesis by Adam Levin.
- Lancelot's Castle
offers information about chivalry, knights, and the Arthurian
- Legend of the Holy Grail
by Justin Griffin discusses this legend. Includes several
text files, many pictures, sounds, an on-line discussion
group, and an on-line 'walk-through' of the Grail text,
- My Camelot Project
by Steven Cockayne covers many Arthurian topics.
- Oxford Arthurian Society
explores the figure of King Arthur in history, literature,
and legend.
- Pendraco's Arthurian Home Page
by Andrew Gorgi offers links to sites about King Arthur.
- Wales: Quest for the Dragon
is a travel brochure that also offers information about Welsh
traditions and legends. Discusses the Celtic cauldron and
grail and recounts the story of King Arthur and the Giant of
- Buryat Home Page
includes information about the folklore and mythology of this
Siberian people (also known as the Buriat).
- Dictionary of Afro-Caribbean Deities
is a work in progress. At present there are the seven
orishas from the Yoruba pantheon.
- OrishaNet
offers information on Santeria.
- Vodoun Culture
by discusses what Vodoun culture is, the Pantheona of Lwas,
songs and prayers, dances, the language of Vodoun,
vèvès, and more.
- Dragons in Ancient China
discusses one of the most important Chinese symbols, the
dragon, in architecture, paintings, and royal robes. Includes
information on the mythical Nine Sons of Dragon.
- Historic Legends and Tales
features important historical events and legendary tales
along with China's ancient civilization. Includes stories of
how Pan Gu made the world, Nv Wa patching the sky, how Yu the
Great conquered the flood, stories about Confucius, and many
- Monkey King
, or "Journey West," is a classic Chinese novel over four
hundred years old based loosely on the travels of the monk
Xuan Zang in the seventh century A.D. There are many
legendary elements added.
- Alliance of the Phoenix
is an umbrella organization of independent houses dedicated
to the Netjer (Egyptian gods). Includes myths and stories
based upon those of ancient Egypt and a description of the
ancient Egyptian gods. Also offers annotated links to other
pagan sites and sites about Egypt.
- Ancient Egypt -- the Mythology
by April Arnold offers information on Egypt, the gods and
goddesses, and myths as well as links to related web
- Ancient Egyptian Gods
by Nikole Didier offers a brief introduction.
- BUBASTIS: Welcome to the House of Cats
offers a brief look at the Egyptian cat goddess Bast.
- Egyptian Gods
by Mark de la Hey presents an alphabetized list of the names
of Egyptian gods and a description of each.
- Egyptian Gods Description
by Mike and Chris Ward presents a list of Egyptian gods and a
brief description of each.
- Egyptian Gods: Summaries
by Shawn C. Knight presents a list of Egyptian gods along
with descriptions of each.
- Egyptian Mythology FAQ
is an earlier text-only version of Shawn C. Knight's
Egyptians Gods summaries.
- Goddesses of Ancient Egypt
by Katherine Griffis Greenberg discusses Isis, reinterpreting
the influence of the feminine in ancient Egypt, and more.
- Gods of Ancient Egypt
from the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism provides an
introduction to ancient Egyptian religion, gods, and
- Home of the Cat Goddess
contains a brief description and picture of a statue of the
Egyptian cat goddess, Bast.
- The Legend of Isis and Osiris (Baobab Project)
from the Baobab Project briefly summarizes the important
Egyptian myth of Isis and Osiris. Osiris was killed and
dismembered by Seth. Isis rejoined the pieces and brought
Osiris back to life.
- L'Egypte des pharaons: les divinités
(in French) provides a list of Egyptian gods along with brief
descriptions of each.
- Mythology Gallery Directory
by Richard Deurer offers stories and images of the Egyptian
gods as well as brief synopses of deities and symbols.
- Name of Bast
by Stephanie mery-Bast offers information about this Egyptian
cat goddess from the point of view of a modern-day worshipper
of Bast.
- Papyrus of Ani; Egyptian Book of the Dead
presents the somewhat dated translation by E. A. Wallis
Budge of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
- Shawn Knight's Egyptology Page
offers his expanded Egyptian mythology FAQ along with
pointers to other Web resources for Egyptian studies.
- Shrine Of Isis
discusses this Egyptian goddess. Includes an image gallery
of Isis and some interesting Egyptian theme fonts.
English, Anglo-Saxon
Jack the Ripper
- Casebook: Jack the Ripper
by Stephen Ryder, Mark Dooling, and Christ Herbert,
offers lots of information about this famous serial
killer of nineteenth century London. While Jack was a
real person, although never caught or definitely
identified, he serves as a good example of a character
who has accreted folklore.
Robin Hood
- Home of Robin Hood
is a guide to North Nottinghamshire which includes
information on Robin Hood.
- Pook's Hill
by Allen W. Wright offers information about Robin Hood
and also about Robin Goodfellow also known as Puck.
Includes histories, links, pictures, and ballads.
Saint George
- Ancient Finnish Myths
by Reijo Nenonen, Luca Piotto, and Maximilian Callaghan
discusses ancient Finnish culture, the gods of Finland, cultic
practices, and much more.
- Finnish Folklore
by Juhani U. Lehtonen offers a brief introduction to Finnish
- Finnish Mythology
by Pirjo Joki discusses the Kalevala, rustic mythology, and
- Kalevala
offers the complete text of this Finnish epic (in Finnish)
from Project Runeberg.
- Kalevala
is the national epic of Finland. This is the complete text
in Finnish.
Frankish, French, Breton
- German Changeling Legends
offers texts, edited and translated by D. L. Ashliman, about
fairy changelings.
- Germanic Myths, Legends, and Sagas
by D. L. Ashliman offers annotated links to web resources
containing information about Germanic mythology.
- Legend of Frau Hitt
recounts several variants of the heartless woman who was
turned to stone when she refused food to a beggar.
- Nineteenth-century German stories
by Robert Godwin-Jones offers several stories in the original
German and English translation, along with sample
illustrations from the nineteenth century. Includes the Frog
King, Rumpelstiltskin, Hans Huckebein, and others.
- A Little Mythology
offers short descriptions of mythological characters --
Oedipus, Penelope, Titans, Orion, Minotaur, Echo, Tartarus,
Remus, and Icarus -- spelling out OPTOMETRI as part of
- Aesop's Fables
offers a large collection from the Electronic Text Center at
the University of Virginia Library.
- Ancient Gods
offers a family tree of the Titans and Olympian gods as well
as information about other gods and semi-gods in Greek
- Apple of Discord
recounts the myth of how Eris fashioned a golden apple over
which Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite fought.
- Arctos Group: The Story behind The Name
recounts the myth of how Callisto and her son Arcas were
transformed in the constellations of the Great Bear and the
Little Bear.
- Bibliography for Apollonius Rhodius
who was the author of Argonautica. This is
the only surviving Greek epic written between the time of
Homer and the later Roman empire. Argonautica recounts
Jason's successful expedition w
- Brandon's Mythology
by Brandon Allen offers an introduction to Greek mythology.
Includes information on gods, creation stories, heroes like
Hercules and Odysseus, and more.
- Bulfinch's 'The Age of Fable'
by Bob Fisher offers an attractive hypertext version of the
Greek and Roman sections of Thomas Bulfinch's famous work on
- Captivate Greek Mythology
offers a personal perspective on Greek mythology. Includes
an essay on the influence of Greek myth on the English
language and a brief description of the important gods.
- Ceres
offers the myth of the kidnapping of Persephone, the daughter
of Ceres, by Hades, god of the underworld.
- Classical Myth: The Ancient Sources
by the Department of Greek and Roman Studies and the
University of Victoria attempts to draw together the ancient
texts and images available on the Web concerning the major
figure of Greek and Roman mythology.
- Classical Mythology HQ
at Princeton University allows you to select mythology by
geographical area or city.
- Classics Course Cla 212 Mythology
offers a database of text of images for a classical mythology
course at Princeton University.
- Early Greek Astronomy
by Ellen N. Brundige discusses, among many other things, a
little of the mythology associated with astronomical phenomena
among the Greeks.
- Euripides and Myth
offers a course outline and notes by John E. Thorburn, Jr. of
the Department of Classics at Baylor University.
- Fables of Aesop
offers "A Blood Feud," "Evil for Good," "Fireside Sketch,"
and "Tit for Tat."
- From Myth to Eternity
offers an online demo of this CDROM multimedia title about
the tales and legends of ancient Greece.
- Gorgons
discusses the Gorgons in Greek mythology.
- Greek Myth
describes the creation of the universe in Greek mythology and
also provides background information on many of the Greek
- Greek Mythology
discusses the cosmogony and theogony of the Greeks, the story
of the Argonauts, and the Iliad and the Odyssey.
- Greek Mythology
from Jolt Side of the Web.
- Greek Mythology
by Erik Storck discusses the Greek creation story, the gods
of Olympus, and other gods.
- Greek Mythology
by Peter Hawlina offers a genealogical database containing
about 1,500 characters from Greek mythology, along with their
- Greek Mythology
by Josh Sandberg and Alex Lucas provides an introduction to
mythology, biographies of major Greek gods and goddesses,
several myths, and a learning Greek section to help you polish
up on the basics of the language.
- Greek Mythology
by MediaDyne Ltd. offers an introduction to Greek mythology,
Greek gods and an interpretation of what these myths meant.
Includes myths, gods, how the world was created as well as
famous mythical characters.
- Greek Mythology
offers information on the gods and goddesses of Greek
- Greek Mythology
offers an introduction to Greek mythology, a gallery of gods,
tales of love, information about the "real" Hercules, and much
- Greek Mythology: Chapters in Pre-History
by William Harris offers an online book discussing the
premise that Greek myths are poritions of a much older lost
historical tradition.
- Greek Mythology Link
offers articles and lists for Carlos Parada's
Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology.
Includes information on sidereal and natural personifications,
major divinities, waters and landscapes, monsters and demons,
immortals in Greek mythology, important events such as the
Titanomachy, the Giantomachy, the Trojan War, and much more.
Also offers a bibliography to Greek mythology.
- Greek Mythology Quiz
offers a ten question quiz to check your knowledge of Greek
- Greek Religion
offers a brief outline for studying the major characteristics
of Greek religion and mythology.
- Hekate in Early Greek Religion
by I. Robert Von Rudloff discusses the origins and worhip of
Hekate from a modern neo-pagan viewpoint.
- Hellenic Pantheon
by Spyros Tyrakis offers information about Greek deities and
links to mythology sites.
- Hesiod, The Homeric Hymns And Homerica
offers English translations of these works by Hugh G.
Evelyn-White, converted to HTML format by Douglas B.
- Hesiod's Theogony
from the Perseus Project includes the story of the origins of
the Greek titans and gods. Also allows access to the Greek
text with morphological links.
- Hesiod's Works and Days
from the Perseus Project includes the story of the five ages
of man, Prometheus, and Pandora. Allows access to the Greek
text with morphological links.
- Homer's Illiad
provides the full text of Homer's work as translated by
Samuel Butler (LONG!)
- Homer's Odyssey
provides the full text of Homer's work in the translation by
Samuel Butler (LONG!).
- House of Hades
by Julia Nolan provides information and references on Greek
mythology, particularly that associated with the ancient Greek
concepts of the Underworld.
- Illustrated Encyclopedia of Greek Mythology
offers brief articles, most with images, of important
characters and events in Greek mythology.
- In Search of the Hero
offers a course outline and notes by John E. Thorburn, Jr. of
the Department of Classics at Baylor University.
- Internet And Greek Mythology
is an essay by Adam Morgan on the Tithonus syndrome in modern
society, and how the Internet's success in part can be
attributed to its ability to overcome this "youth is
all-important" syndrome.
- Lady's Lair Gateway
includes a short "autobiography" of Artemis.
- Medea, The Musical
offers Greek/Attic/Hellenic links, including some for
- Mount Olympus
by Doug Eriks offers information on the Greek gods --
primarily Zeus -- and links to related web sites.
- Muses
by Kat offers a description of each.
- Myth and Greek Tragedy
offers a course outline and notes by John E. Thorburn, Jr. of
the Department of Classics at Baylor University.
- Myth of Cheiron
summarizes the story of the centaur who acted as tutor to
several of the greatest Greek heroes, including Achilles,
Asclepius, Heracles, Jason, Aeneas, and Peleus.
- Mythologie Grecque
offers a French-language dictionary of Greek mythology.
- Mythological Pegasus
by James McIntyre offers a look at Pegasus the Mythological
flying horse.
- Mythology of Jupiter
offers brief versions of myths about the god Jupiter and some
of the other characters after which the moons of the planet
Jupiter were named.
- Odyssey
offers a synopsis of Homer's epic.
- Origin of the name Melissa
recounts the myth of Melissa, guardian of the infant Zeus,
who was later turned into a honeybee.
- Parthenon
by Adam Fiallos offers his web pages organized around Greek
gods. For example, his page on Apollo links to music pages
Fiallos likes.
- Perseus Project
is an evolving digital library on Ancient Greece, and
includes many Greek texts useful for the study of
- Plana de la Mitologia Greca
(in Catalan) is devoted to Greek mythology.
- Science and Mythical Archetypes
by Steve Brewster discusses myths associated with Pluto and
- Sources for Classical Mythology
offers several stories about Herakles and the origins of the
gods from Apollodorus, and the story of the Trojan War as
related by Home.
- Welcome to Mount Olympus
by Becca and Jenny offers information on ancient Greek gods,
titans, mythical creatures, and original stories based upon
Greek mythology.
- Who is Medea, and Why do So Many People Hate Her?
by Gripper Products offers a whimsical recounting of the myth
of Jason and Medea.
- Zeus Lovers
offers information on lovers of the Greek sky god.
- Legends of Guam
offers the legend of Chief Gadao, the origin of the coconut
tree, the legend of Our Lady of Kamalen, and other cultural
legends of Guam.
- Hungarian Myths and Legends
includes retellings by several authors of creation myths, the
Archangels of Eden, the legend of the Stagg, the legend of the
Turul Eagle, and more.
- Hungarian organic culture
by Josef Vegvari offers his original and mostly unpublished
research on the cosmic origins of, and the ancient
astrological knowledge underlying, all Hungarian
- Weeping God
by D. M. Urquidi suggests that Huari statues of a Weeping God
might be related to the Chinese story of Guai Yin.
- First Marmot
by D. T. Blumstein offers a Wakhi folktale about marmot alarm
- Folklore of West Bengal
by Arghya Chatterjee describes folktales, folk music, and
folk dances of West Bengal.
- Indian Mythology
by Srinivas Padmanabhuni offers tales and stories from India,
including some about Ganesha, Vishnu's avatars, Rama, Krishna,
Panchatantra, and Vikram-Betaal.
- Tantrik Home Page
by Mike Magee and Jan Bailey talks about the Tantrik
tradition; gods and goddesses like Kali and Ganesha;
meditation; the siddhas and yogis of the Natha sampradatha;
and much more.
- Liliwati on the Net
offers some famous Indonesian folktales, including the Golden
Snail, Sangkuriang, and The Cock of Panjilaras.
Irish and general Celtic
- Animal Symbolism in Celtic Mythology
offers an essay by Lars Noodén which discusses the
role of animals in Celtic and Welsh mythology. Includes a
- Anna's Wee Bit Of Ireland Page
by Anna Kasper discusses Irish history, traditions, and
- Archaeology, Myth, and Magic
by Nicola Avery offers a look at the history of religion in
the British Isles from paleolithic times to the present,
primarily from a neo-pagan point of view.
- Celtic Folklore: People of the Mounds
by L. MacDonald appeared in Dalriada Magazine in 1993.
Discusses the Sidhe (fairies).
- Celtic Frames
- Celtic Heart
offers an encyclopedia of the Celts, information on heroes
and history, gods and myths, and more.
- Celtic Heritage
by Dandalf offers links to sites about Celtic culture,
mythology, and religion.
- Folkore of Ireland
by Adam Dawson offers information on the history of Irish
folklore as well as some popular stories from Irish folklore,
including the love story of Diarmaid and Grainne, and the
story of Tir na nOg.
- Irish curses
- Irish Journey - The Emerald Isle
offers some folklore and legends interspersed in the
travelog. Includes items about Saint Brendan's voyage, the
Tuatha De Danann, and more.
- Irish Literature, Mythology, Folklore, And Drama
by Anniina Jokinen offers links to web sites on these
- Proverbs of Ireland
- PWTANSUDE's Celtic Home Page
offers Celtic deities, a short glossary of figures in Celtic
mythology, and links to related sites.
- Sara's Celtic Page
offers Celtic folklore and more.
- Scottish Legends, Folklore, and Religion
offers legends and fairytales, an essay on Celtic beliefs by
S. McSkimming, information on festivals and celebrations such
as Beltaine, and more.
- Story of MacDatho's Pig
comes from the heroic cycle of Ulster.
- Ulster Cycle
by Patrick Brown offers the stories surrounding the kingdom
of Ulster during the the reign of Conchobor mac Nessa,
including the tales of Cú Chulainn.
Italian (post-Classical)
- Folktales in Akita
offers several tales from Akita, including the story of
Hachiro-Taro, the story of Dakiai-no-matsu, 999 stone stairs,
and a sparrow and a woodpecker.
- Japanese Myth
by Cycle recounts the stories of the Palace under the Sea,
the Lord of the Land, the Sun Behind the Rock, the Serpent
with Eight Heads, and the Underworld.
- Japanese Starlore
offers the story of the separation of Orihime and Kengyu, the
role of the Pleiades and Great Bear in Japanese folklore, and
much more about the history of astronomy in Japan.
- Myth of Munakata-Taisha
recounts this Japanese tale of how the Sun goddess broke
Mikoto's sword into three pieces, and, after swallowing them,
produced three goddesses with her breath.
- Story of Kaguyahime
by Michael Owen recounts the tale of the beautiful princess
who was taken up to the skies.
- Teapot Badger
recounts the tale of the badger who turned himself into a pot
of tea to reward a kind old poor man.
- Jewish Folklore in Israel
by Gila Gutenberg offers a look at Jewish folklore in Israel.
Provides a list of academic departments, institutions,
periodicals, conferences, and general folklore links.
- A Little Green Frog
by Eyoungsoo Park recounts the tale of a contrary little
green frog.
- Korean Folktales
offers a selection of stories translated with commentary by
Jason Namsik Joh. Includes a useful outline of Korean culture
for teachers.
- Myths and legends of ancient Korea
provides information on themes and motifs in the founding
legends of ancient Korea.
Native American
- Amazon Jungle Legends
by Milly Sangama recounts some of the stories told to her by
her grandfather who spent most of his life in the Amazon
- Aztec Creation Story
offers the story of Coatlique, Lady of the Skirt of Snakes,
who gave birth to Coyolxanuhqui, goddess of the moon, and a
number of male offspring who became the stars.
- Dream Catchers, Ancient Indian Art
briefly discusses the Dream catcher, whose hoop with the
intricate webbing at its center is supposed to promote sleep
undisturbed by bad dreams.
- Eldrbarry's Raven Tales
by Barry McWilliams offers stories about Raven from cultures
of the Pacific Northwest.
- Gambler Way
by Kathryn Gabriel is a companion web site to her book on
gaming in the mythology, history, and archaeology of Native
Americans in North America. Includes book excerpts about
traditional gaming myths.
- Guaraná Home Page: stories about guaraná
offers native myths about the origins of the guaraná,
plant, an important cultivated vine of the lower Amazon often
used in local medical treatment.
- How and Why of the Mayan End Date in 2012 AD
by John Major Jenkins offers his ideas about why the Maya
chose December 21st, 2012 AD as the end of their Long Count
- Indian Superstitions and Legends.
by Simon Pokagon was originally published in 1898.
- Legend of Onarga
offers an Iroquois tale.
- Lords of the Earth: Maya/Aztec/Inca Exchange
by D. M. Urquidi offers some catastrophist ideas about the
interpretation of myth from these areas in terms of meteorite
impact events, among other things.
- Maya STORIES -- Legends with hidden politics
offers animal stories extracted from the book Tales
and Legends of the Q'anjob'al Maya,
- Morriseau and Missipeshu
offers an image of the "underwater panther" or missipeshu by
Norval Morriseau as well as a description of the Native
American lore surrounding this mythical creature.
- Mountain Lion
offers an essay by Chris Bolgiano on Native American legends
surrounding the mountain lion and the "underwater
- Mystere des Mayas
(in French) includes sections on the religion and mythology
of the Maya.
- Mystery of Quetzalcoatl
by Robert St. James is dedicated to the flying serpent of
Toltec mythology.
- Myths and Legends for American Indian Youth
by Paula Giese offers an excellent compilation of links to
traditional Native American stories, legends and myths. Also
offers useful insights about the process of gathering
- Myths and Legends of the Sioux
offers a machine-readable version of this book by Marie L.
McLaughlin, originally published in 1916. McLaughlin's
maternal grandmother was Sioux.
- Native American Folklore
is an essay by Standing Bear, Chief of the Oglala Sioux
- Native American Indian -- Culture, Education, Art, Science, History --Native Sources, Startpage
discusses Native American folklore as part of its
- Native American Legends, Folk Tales, and Stories
by Lori Fuller includes, so far, legends of the Blackfeet and
- NativeLit-L Web Page (Michael Wilson)
- NativeNet (Gary Trujillo)
- Old Indian Legends
by Zitkala-Sa was originally published in 1901.
- Origin of man
by Al Mandell offers the story of the Stone Mother and the
origin of the Paiute people.
- Weeping God
- Winnie Two-Shadows
offers a story based upon Potawatomi legends.
- Yupiaq Eskimo Education
by Angayuqaq Oscar Kawagley offers a look at the beliefs and
myths of the Yupiaq people.
Near Eastern (Assyrian, Babylonian, Canaanite, Hebrew, and Sumerian)
- 5 Arts Studio
which sells Troll and Gnome Folkart Collectibles, offers a
little bit of folklore about these creatures.
- Aesir religion
by Lars Jansson discusses the religion of the Vikings.
- Edda
offers poetic translations to English of "Havamal,"
"Voluspa," "The Lay of Sigdrifa," and "Baldur's Dream."
- Life and Death of Cormac the Skald
- Mythology and sagas in west-Iceland
discusses the Icelandic sagas Laxdaela, Egils saga, Snorri
Sturluson and Snorri's Edda as well.
- Nail Soup
is a Scandinavian folktale.
- Norse Mythology Web Page
by Nicole Cherry offers a rough draft for a Norse Mythology
- Norwegian folktales and myths
by Birgit Hertzberg Johnsen offers an overview of Norwegian
folktales and legends. This essay appears on several other
web sites as well.
- Old Norse Mythology
offers information about Norse gods, especially Loki, and the
- Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Scandinavian Changeling Legends
by D. L. Ashliman offers two changeling tales from Denmark
and the Icelandic story of the Father of Eighteen Elves.
- Story of Burnt Njal
- Thor in Norse mythology
discusses this god, his hammer Mjoelner, and his fate at
- Thorz's Place - Vikings!
offers a little bit of information about the god Thor.
Roman (Classical)
- Dazhdbog in Russian mythology
by Sergei Naoumov recounts the tale of the son of the god
Perun and the mermaid Ros.
- A short list of References
to Russian pagan religion is provided by Sergei Naoumov.
- Twelve Months
adapted by Alexander Chodzko tells the story of a young girl
raised by a unkind step-mother.
- Angus McDougal
is a story about a Scot piper.
- Folklore of the Orkney Islands
by Sigurd Towrie offers sea tales (including several about
selkies), customs and traditions, and other lore of the land
for these islands located off the coast of Scotland.
- Scottish myths
is a Gopher site providing information on Scottish folktales,
mythical deities, and mythological cycles.
- Traditions and Folklore
by Don Richey discusses the Loch Ness Monster, the legend of
the White Cross Banner, the tale of Greyfriar's Bobby, an
Scottish folkdancing.
- Turkish Mythology
by Handan Oz discusses Turkish myths from their origins in
Central Asia. Much of the site is in Turkish, some is in
United States
- Athens, Ohio: Folklore and Local Legends
by Patti offers information on Native American legends, Mount
Nebo and Spiritualism, Civil War spooks, UFO sightings,
folktales from surrounding communities, and more.
- Colorado lore, legend and fact
by J. Ellen Cotton offers stories and images from this
state's past.
- Daniel Boone
by Julie K. Rose discusses Henry Nash Smith's attempt to
separate the "real" Daniel Boone from the semi-mythical
- El Head Home Page
by Dennis Power talks about this "disembodied avenger of the
- Folklore, Legends, Tall Tales: A Knox County Casebook
from Vincennes University offers folktales (some featuring
bigfoot, UFOs, and French pioneer lore) related to Vincennes,
- Folktales from Springbranch (gopher)
offers stories such as "If you give a rattler a revolver" and
"Ropin' Sue."
- James Huff's Webpage
offers African and American folktales, such the stories of
The Bachelors and the Python, the Trickster Rabbit, the Lion
and the Hare Go Hunting, and others.
- You can find Local stories and legends
about Estes Park, Colorado here.
- The Moonlit Road
offers stories and legends from the backroads of the American
- Ozark Mountain Folk Lore
offers some folk sayings and superstitions from the Ozark
mountain area of Missouri and Arkansas.
- Paul Bunyan Logging Camp
includes photos of large statues of Paul Bunyan and Babe the
Blue Ox.
- Possum Eggs
offers Appalachian folkore, wisdom, and art.
- Rearview Mirror: Some haunting tales from Detroit's past
offers stories about the Nain Rouge (Red Dwarf or Red Gnome)
of Detroit, the Snake Goddess of Belle Isle, and Halloween
- Tricksters of North America
is the syllabus for a course taught by Kenneth Pimple at the
University of Indiana, Bloomington.
- Thanksgiving Information
discusses folklore and legends surrounding the U.S. holiday
of Thanksgiving.
- Vietnam Vets Oral History and Folklore Project
by Lydia Fish and John Tegtmeier offers a bibliography of
folklore (excluding folksongs) about Americans in the Vietnam
- Wouff Hong
by Fred Atkinson discusses this bit of ham radio lore.
- WPA Life Histories
offers a searchable collection of the life history
manuscripts from the folklore project of the WPA federal
writers' project 1936-1940.
- Legacy of The Vietnamese Boat People
provides a collection of Vietnamese Boatpeople's stories
about their escape to freedom, including free services,
history, folktales, and heros and heroines.
- Symbols of Vietnam
discusses the quartet of traditional emblems of Viet Nam:
the dragon, the tortoise, the phoenix, and the unicorn.
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Last modified by
pib on December 26, 2001.